The thirteenth installment in the popular series of turn-based strategy games with RPG elements, developed continuously since 1985 by Koei. The story is set in the 2nd century B.C. in China, during the reign of the Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms era that began afterwards. The story combines historical events with those presented in the 14th century novel called “Romance of the Three Kingdoms”, making the game a mix of actual places and characters as well as fictional plot events. In Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIII, our task is to wage war by recruiting and training units, equipping them and commanding them directly in battles. The extensive turn-based combat system is complemented by the necessity of keeping the supply lines for our armies as well as conducting diplomatic activities and managing the conquered cities.
“The ultimate depiction of the Three Kingdom. A heroic drama of a gathering of Legends.” Based on this concept for Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13, we have compiled an experience that will immerse the player deep into the historically turbulent world of the Three Kingdoms, with “human drama,” seen through daily interactions both on the battlefield and off between the many heroic characters of the time (all playable), “spectacular battles” shown in majestic battle scenes, “dynamism” expressed across the great land of China in full 3D as each character plots and battles to expand their territory, and much more. Players will become one of the heroes that lived during the time of the Three Kingdoms and through their actions and decisions will forge their own unique history in that turbulent yet period. The Romance of the Three Kingdoms series is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year with their thirteenth installment of the series, and Koei Tecmo shared the latest trailer for it, giving us a look at its gameplay. Sangokushi 13 Trainer.
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13 Walkthrough
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13 Trainer (+49) Options:
Trainer for the game Shaban, you can use it to activate these essential Cheat Codes: Add 100000 Gold, Infinite Troops, Infinite Morales, Infinite Food, Gate Infinite Health, Drain Gate Health, Full Command Bar, Drain Enemies Command Bar, City EDIT, Character Build. Note: This cheat tool is for the original version v1.0.10 of the game Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13.
Download: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13 Trainer
Cheat Codes: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13 Cheats