Experimental Hip Hop band based in Prague. The coalition of an ill beat confessor, classical guitarist, daughter of a preacher man and a disciple of low frequencies paints a new issues of the real music experience. Eager to find wide shades of sounds and urged to express their deepest musical imagination. Progress is their initiation. Mashing and bashing it all together to be connected with the audience.
Lyrics play a significant role in their music, just as kick’n’bass textures or crissxcross rhythm patterns do. For example their song “Roots”, which will be second off their new EP “When I Went To School”, Ešli/Ashley explains – “This song is from a period of my life when I was trying to put all the pieces of the puzzle together. I sincerely wanted to get back to my roots. It was important for me to understand the background, and it is important, but after a while I understood that it’s also absurd. You can’t go back. It’s evolution. It’s the time arrow that for some reason decides to go in one direction. Roots confront reality, illusions, delusions. It’s a little bit bipolar.”
The High Corporation: Roots
The High Corporation: Roots Lyrics: