The ninth major installment in one of the most popular car racing video game series continually developed for over two decades by the Electronic Arts company. This one was created by recurring Ghost Games Studio (former EA Gotheburg) mostly consisting of ex-Criterion employees. The game’s development process was also assisted by members of the Speedhunters community, including photographers, journalists, and drivers focused around broadly understood car culture. Marking the 20 year milestone of the series’ existence on the market the creators decided for a restart, naming the new game simply Need for Speed. To meet the players’ expectations the product draws from the two most popular reincarnations of the series: Need for Speed: Underground and Underground 2, featuring all the elements fans loved the franchise for – extensive car customization, authentic fell of the car culture, and a compelling story set in an open world bustling with nightlife. Need for Speed for PC / Windows is the 19th full-fledged installment in one of the most popular racing game series that has been developed continuously for over two decades by Electronic Arts company. This one was produced by Ghost Games (former EA Gothenburg), mostly made up of ex-Criterion employees, creators of Need for Speed Rivals from 2013. The development process was also assisted by Speedhunters community, a hub for photographers, journalists, and drivers gathered around broadly understood car culture. Wrapping up 20 years of the series’ history, the creators decided for a restart and entitled this new installment simply Need for Speed. In order to meet fans’ expectations the game came out as a result of close analysis of all previous editions, so to pick up the elements fans loved the franchise for, including rich car customization options, authentic city car culture, and compelling story set in an open night environment.
Need for Speed (2016) Trainer (+6) Options:
Trainer for the game Need For Speed, you can use it to activate these essential Cheat Codes: Infinite Nitrous, Ghost Mode, Unlock vehicles, Super Brakes, Store Location, Teleportation. Note: This cheat tool is for the original version v1.04 of the game Need For Speed (2016).
Need for Speed Walkthrough
Download: Need for Speed (2016) Trainer
Cheat Codes: Need for Speed Cheats