Fate: Undiscovered Realms is a video game developed by WildTangent and released on July 17, 2008, as a stand-alone expansion to the 2005 PC game Fate. The retail version sold in stores includes the original game as well. It was followed by a second expansion, Fate: The Traitor Soul, in 2009. Unlike the original game, these sequels have yet to be ported to Mac OS X. The hero of the town of Grove has completed his quest and celebrates his victory. But during the festivities an unusual old man appears and convinces the hero to come with him, telling him that another great evil has arisen. The old man has tricked the hero, and opened the Book of Fate, gaining its powers. The hero must now stop this new foe by exploring the dungeons of Druantia, a realm of mossy forest and dry tunnels, and Typhon, a frozen tundra and arctic wasteland. In this game, the town of Grove has been replaced with three new realms: the Outpost of Druantia, the Outpost of Typhon and the Temple of Fate. Each realm features new randomized dungeons, shopkeepers and non-player characters (NPCs). Each dungeon is only about half the size of the original dungeon in Fate. Players start in the Temple of Fate where they are given quests to enter and complete the dungeons of Typhon and Druantia. There are also two statues in the Temple: in specific levels the player will find missing equipment which they must then put on the corresponding statues. When all the missing clothing has been put back on, the statue will release a prize, and a potion which will turn the player’s pet into the hero that the statue depicts. The statue will release the potion as many times as the player wants, but the prize is only released once. Once the first two realms have been completed, the player must return to the quest-givers in the Temple of Fate, whereupon a new dungeon is unlocked and the player tasked with defeating the lord of the dungeon and final boss in the game, Kaos. It is a mystery what happened to the evil old man from the introduction, but it is possible that Kaos and the old man are the same being. Wikipedia®.
Fate: Undiscovered Realms Trainer (+23) Options:
Trainer for the game Fate: Undiscovered Realms, you can use it to activate these essential cheat Codes: Infinite Human Health, Infinite Human Stamina, Infinite Human Mana, Set Human Stat’s – Set’s Custom Input Through Hotkey, Infinite Pet Health, Infinite Pet Stamina, Infinite Pet Mana, Set Pet Stat’s – Set’s Custom Input Through Hotkey. Note: This cheat tool is for the original version v1.0
of the game Fate: Undiscovered Realms.
Source: Download Fate: Undiscovered Realms Trainer for PC
Source: Fate: Undiscovered Realms Cheats