Do you know that feeling? That feeling of wanting to lay back on the couch, close your eyes and drift away to dreamy and hazy music? Netherlands’ *Dakota* do just that. Dakota’s new project titled “Leda” blends Psychedelic guitar riffs with indie-pop roots, coming together into a neatly packaged 6 track EP. But don’t let this lo fi charm fool you, the live show of this four piece band gets you to the edge of your seat.

They seamlessly blend California feels with Garage Rock and Dream Pop. Look out for Dakota as they make their way in the underground pop scene. “Icon is about trying to be all that your cheating spouse wants you to be, but finding out that there’s just no way. The only thing you can be and would ever want to be is yourself, this music video reflects this idea.”
Dakota: Icon
Dakota: Icon Lyrics: