“Cold Comes the Night” (also known as Cold Quarter and Eye of Winter) is an American crime thriller film directed by Tze Chun and co-written with Oz Perkins and Nick Simon. The film stars Alice Eve, Bryan Cranston, Logan Marshall-Green, Ursula Parker and Leo Fitzpatrick. A struggling motel owner and her daughter are taken hostage by a nearly blind career criminal to be his eyes as he attempts to retrieve his cash package from a crooked cop. Wikipedia®.
Cold Comes The Night Trailer
The first trailer from the Bryan Cranston and Alice Eve-starring thriller.
Like Josh Brolin and Sam Rockwell before her, Alice Eve has stumbled upon a pile of money that screams “I belong to dangerous people, do not touch me!” And like this folks she also ignores that money’s clearly sensible warning and takes it. And predictably those dangerous people the money warned her about show up and begin torturing her, this time in the form of a Walter White with a kind of terrible vaguely Eastern European accent. And then… maybe she fights back? It’s implied she’s fighting, perhaps. And why not? Once you’ve dealt with Kirk leering at you in underwear, there’s really nothing you can’t handle.
Title: Cold Comes the Night.
Director: Tze Chun.
Screenwriter: Tze Chun, Oz Perkins and Nick Simon.
Starring: Alice Eve, Bryan Cranston, Logan Marshall-Green, Ursula Parker, Leo Fitzpatrick and Erin Cummings.
Official Website: