Resident Evil HD Remaster Trainer. Resident Evil Remaster is a remaster (improved version) of a remake (built from the ground up) that was originally re-released on the Nintendo Gamecube as part of an exclusivity contract between Nintendo and Gamecube. Resident Evil Remaster is set to be developed by and most likely published by the series owner, Capcom who have previously found world wide acclaim and adoration with their hugely popular video game franchises, some of which are the smash hit tournament fighter, Street Fighter. The industry defining platformer, Mega Man and the cult hit that is constantly breaking down borders, Monster Hunter. Resident Evil’s remastered edition will arrive in Europe and North America on Jan. 20, 2015, Capcom announced today. The latest version of the game will be available to download on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and Windows PC. Resident Evil will sport new features like 1080p resolution on PS4 and Xbox One, 5.1 surround sound and your choice of the original 4:3 or a new 16:9 aspect ratio. You’ll also be able to toggle between the original “tank” controls and a new control scheme that lets characters move in the direction you press on the analog stick. To celebrate the announcement, Capcom released a gameplay video running at 60 frames per second, which you can watch above. Not only does it run smoother, but you’ll see Resident Evil’s characters, doors in black voids and not-zombies in greater detail than ever before. You can also see it in action in our hands-on preview from October. This isn’t the only Resident Evil game Capcom has planned for next year. The first episode of Resident Evil Revelations 2 is scheduled for a Feb. 17, 2015 release, and you can see more of that in its latest trailer, which centers around character from the original game.

Resident Evil HD Remaster Trainer (+24/ +16) Options:
Trainer for the game Resident Evil HD Remaster, you can use it to activate these essential Cheat Codes: Infinite Health, Infinite Ammo/No Reload, Set 10 Ribbons/Save Items, Set Weapon ID Active, Set Item ID Active, Mini Mode, Super Speed, Teporter, One Hit Kill, Infinite Item, Open Item Box anywhere, Infinite Ink Ribbon. Note: This cheat tool is for the original version v1.0 of the game Resident Evil HD Remaster.
Resident Evil HD Remaster Walkthrough
Source: Download Resident Evil HD Remaster Trainer
Source: Download Resident Evil Remaster HD / Biohazard Remaster HD Inventory Editor
Source: Resident Evil HD Remaster Cheats