“Divinity: Dragon Commander” is a turn-based and real time strategy role playing video game developed by Larian Studios as part of the Divinity series of fantasy role-playing games. The game features a hybrid of gameplay styles and has single-player, competitive multi-player, and co-operative multi-player modes. The story in the game follows this overarching plot, while from turn to turn, the player is confronted with political and personal issues from their ambassadors and generals. The ambassadors represent the non-human races, namely the Undead, the Elves, the Dwarves, the Lizardmen and the Imps. Each roughly represents a political viewpoint, and many of the political decisions are taken from modern politics. For instance, the player can decide whether or not to create a don’t ask, don’t tell policy in their army, and their decision will affect the relations between the player character and the various races. Wikipedia®.

Divinity – Dragon Commander Trainer (+14) Options:
Trainer for the turn based and real time strategy role playing game Divinity: Dragon Commander that you can use to instantly get access to all these interesting and useful cheats: infinite gold, infinite research points, infinite health, one hit kill, selected unit restore health, selected unit drain health, infinite recruits, infinite supports, instant build unit, instant summon dragon, infinite energy, fast energy restoration, no skill cooldown, no dragon overheat. Note: This cheat tool is for the version of the game Divinity: Dragon Commander.
Source: Download Divinity – Dragon Commander Trainer for PC
Source: Divinity – Dragon Commander Cheats