Dark Earth is a third-person game centered around item-collection and weapon-based melee combat. The game world is filled with a variety of different weapons which can be used until broken, requiring a constant need to expand Arkhan’s weapon collection. The vast majority of the weapons are scavenged or improvised, such as kitchen knives and shivs. There are a very limited number of guns in Dark Earth, as most people have forgotten about firearms. For the select few guns Arkhan finds, there is an equally limited amount of ammo, making guns good for only a limited time. Arkhan must also scavenge for food, as it is his only means of healing. As time progresses in Arkhan’s quest, he slowly begins to transform into a creature of darkness. His physical appearance, the tone of his voice, and his dialog choices change throughout the course of the game. There is also an option for Arkhan to react to situations with his ‘dark side’ (i.e. he’ll say rude things in dialog or treat his environment more aggressively while searching). The environments of the game are all pre-rendered, with 3D modeled characters moving atop them (much like Resident Evil). This method, while allowing for more detailed environments, prevents any camera control. All locations have fixed-camera views, which can create difficulty in some fight situations in small areas. Wikipedia®.

Dark Earth Trainer (+6) Options:
Trainer for the game Dark Earth, you can use it to activate these essential cheat Codes:
* Add any item in the game to your inventory such as infinite ammo, new weapons etc.
* Remove any item from your inventory yes you can finally delete useless items you dont want anymore.
* Save/Load your inventory to file.
* Get full health at the press of a hotkey (Control + H)
* Remove all Darkness infecting your body in press of a hotkey (Control +D)
* Want to increase the Darkness and turn into a monster? Press the hotkey (Control + Shift + D)
Note: This cheat tool is for the original version v1.1 of the game Dark Earth.
Source: Download Dark Earth Trainer for PC
Source: Dark Earth Cheats