Control is an action-adventure video game developed by Remedy Entertainment and published by 505 Games. The game revolves around the Federal Bureau of Control (FBC), a secret U.S. government agency tasked with containing and studying phenomena which violate the laws of reality. As Jesse Faden, the Bureau’s new Director, players explore the Oldest House – the FBC’s paranormal New York headquarters – and utilize powerful abilities in order to defeat a deadly enemy known only as the Hiss, which has invaded and corrupted reality. Control was released on 27 August 2019 for Microsoft Windows (via the Epic Games Store), PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Like Remedy’s previous projects, Control is played from a third-person perspective, and is built using Remedy’s proprietary Northlight Engine, which was first used on the company’s previous title Quantum Break. As Jesse Faden, players wield the Service Weapon, a supernatural firearm that can be adapted into a variety of different forms with different combat applications. Wikipedia®.
A supernatural 3rd person action-adventure. After a secretive agency in New York is invaded by an otherworldly threat, you become the new Director struggling to regain Control. From developer Remedy Entertainment, this supernatural 3rd person action-adventure will challenge you to master the combination of supernatural abilities, modifiable loadouts, and reactive environments while fighting through a deep and unpredictable world. Key features: Control is Jesse Faden’s story. The main plot focuses on her personal search for answers as she grows into the role of the Director. The world of Control has its own story, as do the allies Jesse meets along the way. Side-quests and Secrets are everywhere. Jesse works with other Bureau agents, decodes cryptic ciphers and discovers strange Bureau experiments.
Control Walkthrough
Control Trainer (+12) Options:
Trainer for the game Control, you can use it to activate these essential Cheat Codes: Infinite Health, Infinite Energy, Infinite Ammo, No Reload, Infinite Money, Super Speed, One Hit Kill. Note: This cheat tool is for the original version v0.0.269 of the game Control.
Download: Control Trainer
Cheat Codes: Control Cheats