ULTRASENSITIVE is a four-song introduction to the indie electropop duo Ansonia. Only a year old, the duo has already established a unique style in electronic pop music and in live performance. With Charlie playing electronic instruments through Ableton Live, and Ryan playing electric guitar, Ansonia has created a musical juxtaposition rarely seen in this genre.
The opening track “Rest of Me” starts off the EP with a bang, asking the questions about ourselves that we don’t like to admit we consider. The combination of deeply personal lyrical material and bouncy instrumentation creates Ansonia’s distinctive tone, that the duo likes to call “depressing dance music.” ULTRASENSITIVE’s tracks “Dare” and “Weighing Me Down” carry this same conflicted yet comforting energy further into the EP. The duo’s production style shines through in these two tracks, featuring vocal sampling and lush electronic instrumentation. To close the EP, “Marble Floors” strips away everything but one voice and one electric guitar, to tell a story that needs nothing more.
From front to back, Ansonia has used ULTRASENSITIVE as a means to explore the hardships that shape us into complex and beautiful human beings, and to show that it’s alright not to be alright. Say hello to Ansonia.