17-year-old south London-based Joy Crookes arrives armed with a stellar piece of theatrical pop as her debut single, entitled ‘New Manhattan’. Beautiful harp scales weave around guitar licks while Crooks delivers pristine vocals and adlibs while strings take over, adding a more ethereal experience to this stunning debut, co-written by Joy and producer Michael Percy.

It’s a strong statement of intent and if she plays her cards right, Joy Crookes could be around for a long time. “‘New Manhattan’ is a love song,” she explained in a press release. “It’s also a nickname for an area in North Brussels, Belgium, which was the inspiration for this song.” Currently working on her debut album, expect plenty more from Joy Crookes in 2016. Joy has recently performed at Highroad House, Balham’s The Bedford, Wilkestock, On Blackheath festival and at Shapes Hackney. Joy is currently in the studio writing her debut album and already grabbing industry attention with her unique lyrics and haunting voice.
Joy Crookes: New Manhattan
‘New Manhattan’ was co-written by Joy and producer Michael Percy. Joy is in currently in the studio writing and recording her debut album.
Joy Crookes: New Manhattan Lyrics: