Dum Dum Girls is an American rock band, formed in 2008. It began as the bedroom recording project of lead singer and songwriter Dee Dee Penny (aka Kristin Welchez) in Los Angeles. She is currently based in New York City. The name is a double homage to The Vaselines’ album Dum Dum and the Iggy Pop song “Dum Dum Boys”. Many people believe Dee Dee Penny’s stage name was inspired by Dee Dee Ramone but she has stated this isn’t true. Wikipedia®.
Dum Dum Girls – Rimbaud Eyes [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
Dum Dum Girls – Rimbaud Eyes Lyrics:
You got rimbaud eyes
You got rimbaud eyes
You got!
Truly, I have wept too much
In the dawns are heart breakers
Every moon is atrocious, every sun bitter
Sharp love has swollen me up!
You got rimbaud eyes
You got rimbaud eyes
You got rimbaud eyes
You got rimbaud eyes
You got!
I can no more
Bathed in your languors
O waves, sail in your wake
I can no more I can no more
Bathed in your languors
O waves, sail in your wake
You got rimbaud eyes
You got rimbaud eyes
You got rimbaud eyes
You got rimbaud eyes
You got!
No I, a boat lost on the blue
Am hurled by hurricanes
Into bird-less ether
Into forever blue-into you
You got rimbaud eyes
You got rimbaud eyes
You got rimbaud eyes
You got rimbaud eyes
You got!