“Phoenix” is an alternative rock band from Versailles, France, consisting of Thomas Mars, Deck d’Arcy, Christian Mazzalai and Laurent Brancowitz. Wikipedia®.
Phoenix – Trying To Be Cool
When asked by Billboard magazine whether this song is about the band feeling “cooler” than they did before Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix raised their profile, vocalist Thomas Mars replied that it’s “about the total opposite.” He explained: “It’s about failing. When you’re in a rock band, you transform yourself into a hero, a kind of god-like figure. But the really great artists are more clever than that … Being cool is boring.” Songfacts®.
Phoenix – Trying To Be Cool lyrics:
City and desert coexist.
Depending on the things you’re wearing.
Wildlife binoculars.
Tell me that you want me.
Tell me that you want me.
They teach you suffer to resist.
Too much intention, Presbyterian.
Mint julep, testosterone.
Tell me that you want me.
Tell me that you want me.
Cool. I’m just trying to be cool.
It’s all because of you.
Some fanatic attitude.
We’re both on.
Open for business says it all you can’t go wrong.
Is innocent too immature where you’re from?.
Tell me that you want.
Tell me that you want it all.
Two dozen pink and white ranunculus.
Why? What are the problems to solve?
To part time holy bachelors.
Tell them that you want me.
Tell them that you want me.
I’m just trying to be cool.
It’s all because of you.
Some fanatic attitude.
We’re both on.
Open for business says it all you can’t.
Complements sounds too cynical where you’re from.
Tell me that you want me.
Tell me what they want is.
Gruesome. I don’t care where you’re from.
Nothing’s that personal.
There is no physical evidence of cannibal boyfrien.
Tell me that you want me.
Tell me that you want it all.
Why don’t you just tell me that you want me?.
Tell me that you want it all….