There is a certain sweetness to Chelsea Lankes that emanates. It radiates through each of her songs, drawing you to her instantly. Her newest EP, “Ringing Bell” (August 28th, 2012), is a refreshing take on pop music, bearing the structural sensibility of a seasoned songwriter, and the creativity of a true artist. Chelsea upholds lyrical integrity and emotional articulation that exemplifies her passion of craft, while also personally disclosing her heart’s journey to each of her listeners. Lankes’ voice is like a sweet echo, resonating brightly to match her classic beauty and poised demeanor. This is her edge. Chelsea says, “My music wasn’t always like this, but I had to decide how to shape myself from the angst-y teen poet into an artist that makes music with longevity. I wanted to do something that represents who I was then, and who I am now.
I hope my music, like my life, is anything but contrived.” Maybe that’s why everyone loves her- there are no pretenses. Chelsea laughs, “I’ve always been a bit of an escapist… I guess that’s what my music is, my escape.” True to her word, Chelsea effortlessly provides a sonic solace amidst life’s messiness. “Ringing Bell” truly makes her the puppet master and you the puppet. With a tight grasp on your heartstrings, you can’t help but dance. If you’re not familiar with Chelsea Lankes‘ music, your life is a lot less gorgeous than it could be. Really, I mean it. The LA based songwriter floats effortlessly between melody-centric songwriting bliss and cotton candy cloud-wrapped synth pop that still boasts an important and grounding emotionality.
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